Wallpaper cleanliness – General Conditions:
1.Day-to-Day Soil
Ordinary dirt and smudges can be removed with a mild soap, warm water, and if necessary, a hard bristle brush to remove dirt from the crevices of deeply textured patterns. Clean from bottom of wall upward. Rinse thoroughly with clean water from the top down using a sponge.
Deeply embossed wall coverings need extra attention in case suds or loosened dirt lodge in depressed surfaces. Dry wall covering with a soft lint-free cloth or towel.
For more difficult stains that are only surface deep, the use of a stronger detergent (such as Formula 409) is recommended: however, the manufacturer’s instructions should be followed carefully.
Not recommended for cleaning is steel wool or powdered abrasives because they mar the surface and leave an unsightly appearance. DO NOT use active solvent type cleaning preparations, such as nail polish remover, tar and bug removers, etc., because they remove print, and/or finish from the wall covering.
Care should be taken that water dripping down the wall does not run behind the floor molding. The molding can be discolored and/or permanently damaged. All stains should be attempted to be removed with soap and water first. Isopropyl alcohol may set some stains that soap and water may remove.
2.Special Conditions
Lacquer, Shellac – Remove immediately with dry cloth. Take care not to spread stain. Clean quickly with rubbing alcohol or perchlorethylene (technical grade). Rinse with clear water.
Ballpoint Ink – Remove immediately using a cloth dampened in rubbing alcohol.
Tar or Asphalt – Remove immediately using a cloth dampened with kerosene or cleaning naphtha. Rub gently from outside edge of stain to center to prevent stain from spreading. Rinse with clear water.
Paint or Enamel – Remove immediately with sponge or cloth dampened with turpentine, kerosene, cleaning naphtha, or water as directed by paint can label. Wash with mild soap and water. Rinse with clear water.
Chewing Gum, Grease – Scrape off as much as possible and go over lightly with cleaning naphtha to remove remainder. (Chewing gum will come off more easily if rubbed with an ice cube.) No time should be lost in removing shoe polish because it contains dye which can cause permanent staining. Rinse with clear water.
Feces, Blood, Urine – Remove quickly using a strong soap solution.
Pencil, Crayon – Scrape off excess crayon and erase pencil marks. Clean remaining stains with rubbing alcohol.
- When using rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, turpentine, household bleach or kerosene, first test the solution on some inconspicuous portion of the vinyl to be sure that there will not be any adverse effect on print, color, or gloss.
- When drying, always use a blotting action rather than a rubbing motion.
- Never mix cleaning agents together. Violent reactions may occur.
Types Of surfaces on which wall coverings can be installed:
- Regular walls with putty and primer
- Pop wall with primer
- Plywood with primer and putty
- Gypsum boards with primer and lambi
- Matt but non textured laminates
- MDF boards
- Veneer sheets